Transfer to Object Available on Sui Mainnet The addition of Transfer to Object creates myriad new possibilities for object coding on Sui.
Get Real-Time Weather Data with the Sui Weather Oracle Integrate weather data into an app, or use its unpredictability as a seed for randomness.
View Verified Move Source Code in Sui Explorer Sui Explorer now supports a widely requested feature, viewing source code for certain packages within the interface.
Delivering Fair Gas Fees Through Resource Usage Metering Sui's parallel processing requires a different approach to gas fee calculation than on traditional blockchains, which only process a single transaction at a time.
Sui Linters and Warnings Update Increases Coder Velocity New developer experience features, including linters and compiler warnings, give builders useful warnings while coding.
Maintain Sui's Health and Earn Storage Rebates Sui Storage Fund rebates, a unique feature of Sui, incentivize the Sui community to maintain a healthy Sui network.