Registration is Open for Seoul Builder House
The Builder House Tour is heading to Seoul from June 3-4.

We are just three weeks away from Sui Builder House in Seoul, our first big event post Mainnet launch. It will run from June 3 through 4 and give attendees a unique opportunity to learn, network, and have fun.
Sui Builder Houses gather developers for presentations and conversation. Attending builders describe their projects and offer technical details, helping others learn by example. Onstage panels discuss industry issues and provide insight from thought leaders. Social events include cocktail receptions, attending local attractions, and unique chances for individual discussions about challenges and opportunities.
Five Reasons to Attend
An Updated Format
We appreciate all the feedback from our previous Builder Houses and continue to iterate and improve on the experience. In Seoul, we will start the weekend with a Sui Ice Breaker meetup to allow attendees to get to know their fellow community members and the Sui Foundation team before jumping into the more structured elements of Builder House.
A Celebration of Mainnet
Mainnet is an important milestone for Sui and we plan to celebrate it with presentations and workshops from leaders in the Sui community. It will give us all a look at how far we’ve come and give us a chance to put our heads together to continue thinking about what’s next.
Features of Sui Showcase
Sui has a suite of innovative features that separate it from other Layer 1s in the market. There will be an opportunity to dig in on how they work and why they are game changing features in web3.
A Special Announcement
There will be a special announcement for our APAC projects and developers looking to grow their knowledge and business acumen in a fun and fulfilling way.
Downtime for Connection
Builder House isn’t all work and no play. There will be several events specifically designed for open conversation and enjoyment. And some good food and drink too.
Keep an eye out for the full program in the next week or two.
Register Today
Seoul Builder House is open to all, but slots are limited. Register now to improve your chance of getting a slot!
If you can't make it to Seoul, check out our schedule of Sui Builder Houses occurring around the world throughout the rest of the year.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
We are grateful to our generous sponsors including our Global Tour Sponsor Jump Crypto, Seoul Builder House Platinum Sponsor, Cosmostation, and Seoul Builder House Gold Sponsor, Onbuff.