How to Get Started with Wallets on Sui

Learn how to get a Web3 wallet to begin your journey on Sui.

How to Get Started with Wallets on Sui

Sui offers a wide range of fun and useful Web3 apps on its network. The first thing you will need to use most of those apps is a wallet. A wallet lets you buy, sell, send, and receive digital assets, including SUI tokens and NFTs.

The SUI token, which includes a smaller denomination called MIST, is the Sui network's native currency. You use SUI to pay gas fees, the costs of processing network transactions, such as minting an NFT or buying and selling tokens.

Purchase SUI tokens for your wallet from a centralized exchange, such as Binance, Coinbase, or Gemini.

Choose a wallet

Five wallets have emerged as the most popular on Sui. Each of these wallets offers features beyond simply storing your SUI, such as minting NFTs and exploring Web3 apps. For example, Ethos Wallet includes an address book, making it easy to send tokens to friends, and the ability to buy and trade tokens directly in the app, removing the need to buy from exchanges. The Suiet wallet's browser lets you discover more web3 apps.

Choose a wallet that offers the features you find most interesting. But don't worry, you can install and use multiple wallets. Each wallet shows the amount of tokens you own on Sui. You can also create multiple accounts using a wallet, maintaining different balances on the network.

Install the wallet

Most wallets install as Chrome browser extensions, so you will need Chrome. And many also offer a mobile version. For example, Sui Wallet includes a Chrome extension and versions for Android and iOS.

If you want to use a mobile wallet, simply use your phone to visit the Android or Apple app stores and search for the wallet you would like to use. Click the install button and it will download and install on your phone.

For an installation on your PC, use the Chrome browser to visit the Chrome Web Store and search for "sui wallet." The search results will show many blockchain wallets with direct links to their extensions.

Sui Directory page showing Suiet wallet
As with any Chrome extension, wallets for Sui install easily, just by clicking the Add to Chrome button on the Chrome Web Store product page.

Click the Add to Chrome button on the extension page and your browser will install the extension.

Create an account

After installing a wallet extension or mobile wallet, the interface should give options to create a new wallet or import an existing one. You can create an account with one wallet, then import that account into other wallets. Launching any of these wallets will show your token balance on the network.

When creating a new account, some wallets let you sign in with existing account credentials from services such as Google, Twitch, or Facebook. Wallets using this method rely on zkLogin, a feature native to Sui that makes it much easier to create an account while keeping your login details secure.

Other wallets may require that you create a new password. Follow typical best practices for passwords, such as using a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. As always, securely save your password. When you create a new account using this method, the wallet will generate a recovery phrase, also known as a seed phrase, a set of 12 words used to secure the wallet. Make sure to save your recovery phrase and store it securely offline. If you lose your recovery phrase, you will not be able to access your wallet.

Wallets that use zkLogin do not require a recovery phrase, as the credentialing service will offer its own method.

Use Your wallet

If you purchase tokens from a centralized exchange, you will need to give the exchange your public key. Wallet interfaces typically prominently display the public key, and often let you copy it with just a single click. The public key lets other people and companies send you tokens, NFTs, and other digital assets.

The Sui Wallet interface showing an account balance and wallet address
A typical Sui wallet interface shows your token balance, and makes it easy to copy and share your wallet address.

Public keys consist of a long string of numbers and letters that look something like this:


Note that, for security purposes, the above address differs somewhat in length and possible characters from an actual address.

When you go to an app on Sui that requires payment, your wallet extension should automatically launch, requesting approval for the transaction. You will need to reenter your password for the wallet if its time-out period has passed.

The wallet should also give you the option to send tokens directly to another wallet. You will need the other wallet owner's public key to send tokens.

The world of wallets

The more feature-rich wallets may become your primary means of interacting with the Sui network. They include the ability to mint, trade, or buy NFTs. They show other apps, giving you a window to Sui's possibilities. Some focus on finance, making it easy to purchase tokens and trade different tokens across networks.

As with any valuable asset, make sure to keep your wallet secure. Never share your password or seed phrase with anyone.